Holiday Inn
starring Fred Astaire, Bing Crosby,
Marjorie Reynolds
$15 - Shipping and taxes included
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Marjorie Reynolds
$15 - Shipping and taxes included
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Christmas Classic Gift Set • 2 DVDs
Hours of classic Christmas entertainment for you and your grandchildren.
$25 - Shipping and taxes included
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$25 - Shipping and taxes included
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The Nativity Story (DVD)
The two-year period of Mary and Joseph’s life, which culminates in their leaving Nazareth and journeying 100 miles to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus.
$15 - Shipping and taxes included
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$15 - Shipping and taxes included
Click on picture to purchase
Christmas in Connecticut (DVD)
A single woman passes herself off as a housewife in her column for a newspaper. When her editor invites himself to her fictitious home for Christmas dinner, she must come up with a house and a family. $15 - Shipping and taxes included
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Click on picture to purchase
Packaging may vary